Looking to rejuvenate your skin? 1-4*,†,‡,§

HArmonyCa™ may help address multiple signs of ageing in one treatment1-4,*,†,‡,§

HArmonyCa™ is designed to give you an immediate, continuous and long-lasting lifting-effect by supporting your body’s own collagen production. 1,5,*,,,§§

* Results from a prospective and non-randomised interventional study where HArmonyCa™ was injected in the preauricular region of 15 women. The primary endpoint were the volumetric changes at Day 180. Secondary endpoints included changes in facial tension vectors, time to filler tissue integration and safety profile.1

† Ultrasound and elastography examinations were performed. When compared to baseline, an increase in density, viscoelasticity, and firmness of the tissue was observed at 60 days and then confirmed at 90 days after treatment. At 180 days after treatment an increase in collagen in the treated areas was confirmed.1

‡ Vectra® H2 (Canfield Scientific, Inc.) was used to assess volumetric changes, with a median (interquartile-range) volume increased by 2.1 (1.9–2.3) cc and 2.1 (1.8–2.2) cc in the right-and left-side, respectively, p<0.0001 each at Day 180.1

§Vectra® H2 (Canfield Scientific, Inc.) was used to assess skin lift and tightening by measuring the changes in facial tension vector (FTV) at 60, 90, and 180 days after treatment. As compared to pre-treatment values, FTV significantly increased at all timepoints with a median (interquartile-range) increased by 2.2 (1.6– 2.2) mm and 2.0 (1.7–2.2) mm in the right and left side, respectively p < 0.0001 each, 180 days after treatment.1

§§ Results based on a pre-clinical animal study of HArmonyCa™ with results demonstrated over 12 weeks which showed that HArmonyCa™ led to an immediate lifting-effect following injection.5

1. Urdiales-Gálvez F et al. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2023;00:1–12.
2. Swift A et al. Aesthet Surg J. 2020;sjaa339.
3. Kahn DM, Shaw RB. Facial Plast Surg. 2010;26:350–355.
4. Coleman SR, Grover R. Aesthet Surg J. 2006;26:S4-S9.
5. Allergan Aesthetics. Data on File. HArmonyCa™ Lidocaine. Lift capacity. October 2023. REF-84448.

Before & After 

Vanessa, 60



Vanessa, 60

Vanessa, 60

“I feel happy, confident and I feel that my skin is looking brighter and more youthful.”
Vanessa (3 months after treatment with HArmonyCa™)

Vanessa had felt everything seemed to have “sagged down a bit” as she’s become older.

Vanessa had felt everything seemed to have “sagged down a bit” as she’s become older.

Lily, 39



Lily, 39

Lily, 39

“I wasn't expecting to see the difference straightaway!”
(Lily, 1 month after treatment with HArmonyCa™)

Lily had really noticed her face changing, particularly in the last couple of years.

Lily had really noticed her face changing, particularly in the last couple of years.

Alan, 53



Alan, 53

Alan, 53

“It’s got better and better over time.”
Alan (6 months after treatment with HArmonyCa™)

Alan wanted to look more refreshed and regain his jawline.

Alan wanted to look more refreshed and regain his jawline.

Patients' Satisfaction 

Leave the clinic with potentially immediate results … results that could get even better with time.1,2,*,,

Skin can feel firmer and tighter than before treatment.1,*,,‡ In fact, 92% of people said they could see improvements in their skin with HArmonyCa™ 3,¶,†† 

Why not join those who’ve reported experiencing long-lasting visible results – after just one HArmonyCa™ treatment session? 3,4, #, §§ 

* Results from a prospective and non-randomised interventional study where HArmonyCa™ was injected in the preauricular region of 15 women. The primary endpoint were the volumetric changes at Day 180. Secondary endpoints included changes in facial tension vectors, time to filler tissue integration and safety profile.1

† Ultrasound and elastography examinations were performed. When compared to baseline, an increase in density, viscoelasticity, and firmness of the tissue was observed at 60 days and then confirmed at 90 days after treatment. At 180 days after treatment an increase in collagen in the treated areas was confirmed.1

‡ Vectra® H2 (Canfield Scientific, Inc.) was used to assess skin lift and tightening by measuring the changes in facial tension vectors (FTV) at 60, 90, and 180 days after treatment. As compared to pre-treatment values, FTV significantly increased at all timepoints with a median (interquartile-range) increased by 2.2 (1.6– 2.2) mm and 2.0 (1.7–2.2) mm in the right and left side, respectively p < 0.0001 each, 180 days after treatment.1

§ Results from a pre-clinical animal study of HArmonyCa™  with results demonstrated over 12 weeks which showed that HArmonyCa™ led to an immediate lifting-effect following injection.2

¶ A post marketing clinical follow up of safety and performance of HArmonyCa™ (N=162). Significant improvements were reported in treated facial regions.3

†† Performance evaluation of the early satisfaction cohort (N=62) using the 5-point Likert Scale User Satisfaction Questionnaire where a high user satisfaction for look and feel was reported (mean 3.9 out of 5).3

§§ Results from a single-centre, prospective, quasi-experimental controlled study where HArmonyCa™ was injected in different areas of the face of 15 participants. The Subject Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale was used to assess patients' overall satisfaction at 120 days after the single-session treatment.4

1. Urdiales-Gálvez F et al. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2023;00:1–12.
2. Allergan Aesthetics. Data on File. HArmonyCa™ Lidocaine. Lift capacity. October 2023. REF-84448.
3. Allergan Aesthetics. Data on File. HArmonyCa™ Lidocaine. Clinical Study Report. October 2023. REF-99624.
4. Bravo B et al. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2023;15(11):1–10.



UK-HAR-230134 | Date of prep: September 2024