
The information on this web site is intended for informational and educational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for advice provided by a qualified, authorised medical practitioner. HArmonyCa™ is a medical device with clinical indications and characteristics. We always recommend consultation with a qualified authorised medical practitioner who will advise the most appropriate product from within the range for your individual needs.

Registered office address: Allergan Limited, 1st Floor, Marlow International, The Parkway, Marlow, Bucks, SL7 1YL
E-mail address: ML-MedicalAesthetics@Allergan.com
Company registration number: 1049760
Important Safety Information
HArmonyCa™ injection may be accompanied with mild discomfort.


Please note:

1. You should avoid strenuous activity and exposure to sunlight and tanning lamps or extreme weather conditions for 24 hours post-treatment in order to reduce redness, swelling and irritation.
2. You should apply an ice pack or cold compresses to the treated area for 24 hours post-treatment in order to reduce redness, swelling and irritation. 
3. If nodules appear, massage the treated area.
4. The most common side effects are redness, swelling, pain, tenderness and itching around the injection area. Treatment site reactions typically resolve within 24-48 hours and swelling within a week.
5. You should promptly report your attending medical practitioner about any common adverse event which doesn’t resolve within the typical time frame or which worsens or any other adverse event. 

More information on side effects, contraindications, warnings, and precautions can be provided by your healthcare professional during your consultation.

1.Allergan Aesthetics HArmonyCaTM Lidocaine IFU.MO32 VO1.2021.


UK-HAR-230137 | Date of prep: September 2024